Friday, November 4, 2016

Book review

My "Mastering Your Mean Girl" book review has taken a back seat, since I gave my book away to a friend who is having man troubles. 

She is a younger friend and I keep telling her to fix yourself and you will be ok.  She is super clingy with him and is doing a lot of overthinking, sending insecurity messages every couple of minutes or so to him (an exaggeration, but you know what I mean).  I just can't get across to her to relax, slow down, give him space.  Most men don't want to hear "is everything ok, you were not holding my hand just then."  It amazes me that we are rearing the young women in our society to believe that they have to have the hair, the make up, the Kardashian boodie, the phone, the car.  ...And the perfect boyfriend that looks and acts like Prince Charming in the fairy tale book.

So as soon as I get another copy of the book, I'll begin the review and journey.  What I did read was great.  There are a lot of written exercises that you can do that are mind opening.  I enjoy reading a book that has something new to offer regarding the journey into ones own mind blocks.  I also have so enjoyed this new abundance language that everyone, authors, self help guru's and The Secret people are propogating.  If you haven't read The Secret and The Power, you really must.  I keep The Power on my nightstand.  It is an invaluable tool to me.  My perspective grows and changes each time I pick it up and it fills me up like nothing else.  Simply love the book!

If you don't have it get it.  It's awesome.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Mastering your Mean Girl

Reading about and working with a new concept the concept of making space, see my new blog... Making Space.  Ran across this book.
Sounds like exactly what my 52 year old psyche needs!  Rejuvenation!  To re-create yourself, post children, after and during going through menopause, after putting everyone else first.  I don't know about you, but I am screaming inside to become Bursting with Love Again!!  Do you guys feel like there is someone inside dying to get out? 

If you have read this, please share how this helped you to reconnect to your true, inner self!  I think this can start me on my way...I love the website tools she directs you to inside.


Welcome and hello.  In reading about a retreat recently, I ran across a paragraph that struck a chord with me.  As we all rush along, hustling about, I feel a hunger and pulling towards getting back in touch with me.  I feel so busy trying to keep up with the demands of just "life" these days.

I would like to make space...
  • SPACE to deepen my friendships, family time and romantic partnership.
  • SPACE to slow down and hover right in the sweet spot of my deepest desires.
  • SPACE to focus every single day on the QUALITY of my life.
  • SPACE to not work more than I need to.
  • SPACE to make moments – not money my priority.
This came directly from Ashley Turner's website.  She is a yoga instructor and Priestess!!  These five statements are quickly becoming my daily mantra.  Things to live by in this fleeting world.  A world where we are only here for a blink.  I wonder how many of us feel like we're being drug through life by others expectations, obligations, others ideas of who we should be?  How can we get in touch with who is inside?  Yoga has become a beginning for me.  It is my quiet time.  Everything stops and focus becomes sharp and from within.

Ashley Turner's Complete Yoga to get started!